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Grade Life Earth Physical Other
Kindergarten Animals Two By Two Trees Balls and Ramps Fabric
First New Plants Soils Solids & Liquids Comparing & Measuring
Second Life Cycles of Butterflies Weather Balancing & Weighing Organisms
Third Structures of Life Earth Materials Lifting Heavy Things Changes
Fourth Animal Studies Land & Water Magnetism & Electricity Sounds
Fifth Micro-Worlds Landforms Magnets & Motors Models & Designs
Sixth Ecosystems Measuring Time Mixtures & Solutions Levers & Pulleys
STC = 15 kits FOSS = 12 kits INSIGHT = 1 kit

Ohio County Curriculum

Grade Life Earth Physical Other
Kindergarten Animals Two By Two Trees Balls and Ramps Fabric
First New Plants Pebbles, Sand & Silt Solids & Liquids Comparing & Measuring
Second Insects Air & Weather Balance & Motion Organisms
Third Structures of Life Earth Materials Lifting Heavy Things Changes
Fourth Animal Studies Land & Water or Water Magnetism & Electricity Physics of Sound
Fifth Micro-Worlds Landforms Magnets & Motors Models & Designs
Sixth Environments Measuring Time Mixtures & Solutions Levers & Pulleys
STC = 8 kits FOSS = 20 kits INSIGHT = 1 kit

Representatives from the counties involved in the WV-Handle On Science Project selected modules for the program using the following selection criteria:

    • Grade level appropriateness;
    • Correlation to the Instructional Goals and Objectives for West Virginia Schools in both science and mathematics;
    • Ready-to-use condition of the kits for an entire class of students;
    • Applicability to a coordinated and thematic science program;
    • Teachers guides and supplemental materials/extensions.
The committee utilized the correlation previously completed by Carolina Biological Supply and information gleaned at the Appalachian Educational Laboratory Regional Training titled Implementing WV Instructional Goals and Objectives in Support of the National Standards. Each representative is a veteran teacher with an average of 20+ years of teaching experience, serving on curriculum committees within his/her own county. Ohio County, which already has FOSS kits in place, will revise the curriculum sequence to correlate with the Instructional Goals and Objectives for West Virginia Schools.

Exemplary science curriculum materials being used include modules from Science and Technology for Children from the National Science Resources Center, FOSS (Full Option Science System) from the Lawrence Hall of Science and INSIGHTS from the Educational Development Center, Inc. Materials will be purchased by an association of business and industry partners, including the Bayer Corporation. A total of 28 different modules will be implemented throughout the project, with four modules being utilized at each grade level (K-6). The constructivist model and learning cycle will be the basis for teaching strategies employed in these inquiry-based modules. Students will engage in scientific discovery, replete with real life applications and
inter disciplinary connections which emphasize the integral connection between mathematics and science.

In the first three years of the project, modules will be used as extensions/supplements to existing curricula. Each teacher will receive training on one kit each year, gradually implementing the modules into the curriculum. The West Virginia Science Textbook Program Adoption will be in progress in 1999 concurrently with the professional development provided through the WV-Handle On Science Project. This professional development will increase the confidence level of K-6 teachers who are participating in the adoption process and will be selecting science instructional materials in 2000. At that time, all five counties will be using a kit-based curriculum.