Land & Water:

Grade: 4

Subjects: Weather, Geology, Environmental Sciences and Landscape Engineering


Land and Water is a key earth science unit, linking weather, geology, environmental science, and landscape engineering. Since each small student group works with its own stream table, the explorations are full, intense, and immediate. Through the sequence of activities, students gain not only working knowledge but also confidence in their ability to plan and conduct investigations, predict results, and make conclusions.

The major activities in the unit include:

  • Modeling the water cycle and producing "rain,"
  • Analyzing soil components and investigating their interactions with water.
  • Running water through a stream table to observe changes in land.
  • Varying the slope, water flow, and land formations in stream tables and observing the results.
  • Collecting runoff and comparing samples from different stream table configurations.
  • Creating and labeling "aerial" maps of the stream patterns produced.
  • Designing and building dams in their stream tables and observing their effects.
  • Planting a portion of their stream tables with seeds and observing the effects of ground cover on runoff and erosion.
  • Designing and building a model landscape with a homesite, predicting the flow and effects of water within it, and testing the predictions.

Through related reading selections in the unit, students learn about glaciers, some. innovative ways used to collect water in dry regions, an experimental flood designed to restore some natural features along the Colorado River, and a classic example of architecture in harmony with landscape -- Fallingwater, a home designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. A special feature of the unit is a series of photo cards of natural scenes that illustrate concepts the students are learning through their work with model landscapes.


Table of Contents