
Grade: 5

Subjects: Assessment. Biological and Life sciences. Biology. Cells. Instructional issues. Lenses. Light. Magnification. Microbiology. Microorganisms. Microscopes. Performance assessment. Physical sciences. Portfolios. Science.

This information is from the Eisenhower National Clearinghouse.

Abstract: This unit is one of twenty four inquiry centered science curriculum units developed for grades 1 to 6. Each unit provides children with opportunities to learn about topics in the physical, life, and earth sciences and technology through direct observation and experimentation. This unit, developed for grade 5, offers students experience in the use of hand lenses and simple microscopes while they investigate representative examples of microscopic life. Students discover the properties of lenses and become skilled in making slides and using microscopes as observation tools. Through their investigations, students learn about the difference in detail seen in organisms and other objects when viewed under different powers of magnification. Students also observe microscopic organisms from known cultures and hay infusions and prepare a section of onion skin and observe the organization of its cells. The teacher's guide contains 16 activities, each of which provides an overview of the activity, the objectives, background information, materials needed, preparation and procedural directions, extensions, and ways to evaluate student learning. The teacher's guide also describes post unit assessments of student progress, includes an annotated bibliography of books for teachers and students, and provides directions for the care and feeding of live cultures. For each of the activities, a student activity book provides a think and wonder section, a materials list, a find out for yourself section which includes questions, procedures for setting up the activity, and an ideas to explore section. The students activity book also includes several reading selections about microscopic organisms and the history of microscopy. (Author/KSR)

Table of Contents
[Teacher's guide:]
Unit overview and materials list
Teaching strategies and classroom management tips
Observing a penny
Communicating your observations
Learning about lenses
Looking through lenses
Learning to use the microscope
Practicing with the microscope
The field of view
Preparing slides
What is it?
Exploring common objects
Looking inside an onion
Looking at living things, Volvax
Looking at living things, Blepharisma
Looking at living things, Vinegar eels
Looking at living things, Hay and grass infusions I
Looking at living things, Hay and grass infusions II
Post unit assessments
Teacher's record chart of student progress
Supplementary drawing lesson
Bulletin board and/or Learning center materials
The care and feeding of live cultures
Materials reorder list