Magnets & Motors

Grade : 6

Subjects: Circuits. Currents. Data collection. Electricity. Electromagnetism. Electromagnets. Engines. Generators. Magnetism. Magnets. Observation. Physical sciences. Prediction. Problem solving. Process skills. Science.

*This information is from the Eisenhower National Clearinghouse

Abstract: This curriculum kit, developed for grade 6 as part of the Science & Technology for Children series, introduces students to electricity and magnetism. The STC series offers twenty four inquiry centered science curriculum kits that provide elementary school children with opportunities to learn about topics in the physical, life, and earth sciences and technology through direct observation and experimentation. Each kit includes a teacher's guide, student guide, and laboratory materials. This kit, which builds on the knowledge and skills gained in the STC ELECTRIC CIRCUITS unit, contains materials for sixteen activities. Students explore properties of magnets, investigate the magnetic properties of electric currents, and experiment with ways to vary the strength of electromagnets. They also build and use a magnetic compass, and assemble several increasingly complex electric motors. In a culminating activity, students dismantle, experiment with, and reassemble a manufactured motor, at one point reversing it to form an electric generator they use to light a bulb. For each activity, the teacher's guide provides an overview, objectives, and background information as well as materials needed, preparation and procedural directions, extensions, and ways to evaluate student learning. It also includes post unit assessments of student progress and an annotated bibliography of books teachers and students and helpful information for teachers about electricity. The student activity book, available in English and Spanish, provides a Think and Wonder section for each activity and a Find Out for Yourself section that includes questions, procedures for setting up the activity, and an ideas to explore. A training videotape is also available. (Author/KSR/LCT)

Content Description
Kit includes:
1 teacher's guide (vii, 137 pages : illustrated ; 28 cm.)
15 student activity boos (each, 61 pages : illustrated ; 28 cm.)
1 materials kit:
1 packing list (1 sheet ; 28 cm.)
90 flexible magnets (each, 25 x 20 x 5 mm. with 1 hole)
40 plastic cups with lids, 10 ounce
1 roll of string, 200 feet
2 number 2 pencils
30 wooden sticks (each, 15 x 4 cm.)
15 tongue depressors
15 number 742 white cardboard boxes (each, 10 x 5 x 20 cm.)
10 Bag-o-stuff II
1 box of 100 jumbo paper clips
2 boxes of 100 number 1 paper clips
500 number 10 steel washers
30 magnetic compasses
30 straight pins
90 plastic drinking straws
120 single colored 3/4 in. diameter dots
30 D cell batteries
30 battery holders
30 mini bulbs
60 bulb sockets
1 wire stripper tool
2 12D aluminum nails
30 12D common nails
2 3 x 1/4 inch brass bolts
30 1/2 x 3/8 inch steel bolts
30 3 x 1/4 inch steel bolts
2 1 1/4 x 1/4 inch steel bolts
2 3 x 1/8 inch steel bolts
2 3 x 3/8 inch steel bolts
2 3 x 1/2 inch steel bolts
2 4 x 1/4 inch steel bolts
2 5 x 1/4 inch steel bolts
10 graph grid transparencies
8 transparency marker pens
10 envelopes
1 package of assorted construction paper
60 alligator clips
1 roll number 20 bare copper wire, 50 feet
2 rolls number 20 hook-up wire, total of 50 feet
3 rolls number 22 hookup wire, total of 300 feet
1 roll number 28 enameled wire, 75 feet
20 2 x 2 inch sandpaper squares
6 screwdrivers
30 electric motors
1 roll of electrical tape
60 number 16 rubber bands
60 number 84 rubber bands
1 Magnets and motors discovery deck (32 cards : color illustrations ; 23 cm.)
1 guide to Magents and motors discovery deck (9 pages ; 28 cm.)
1 storage box for the discovery deck, 24 x 32 x 10 cm.
1 Magnets and motors training videotape (VHS, 46 min. 28 sec : sound, color ; 1/2 in.)
1 purple plastic storage container, 32 x 62 x 50 cm.
1 Spanish language student activity book (61 pages : illustrated ; 28 cm.)

Table of Contents
[Teacher's guide:]
Goals for Magnet and motors
Unit overview and materials list
Teaching strategies and classroom management tips
Getting started, pre unit assessment
What can magnets do?
How can you find out what magnets can do?
Measuring magnets
Building a compass
Using a compass: Which way is which?
Creating magnetism through electricity
Making magnets through electricity
Designing an experiment to test the strength of an electromagnet
Testing an electromagnet
Showing others what you have learned
Making a motor
Building a spinning coil motor
What is inside an electric motor?
How does a motor work?
Generating electricity
Post unit assessments
Teacher's record chart of student progress
Making a mystery box
Background: Electric circuits
Using a wire stripper
Making and repairing alligator leads
Setting up a learning center for Magnets and motors
Materials reorder list

[Student activity book, videotape:]
Getting started, pre unit assessment
What can magnets do?
How can you find out what magnets can do?
Measuring magnets
Building a compass
Using a compass: Which way is which?
Creating magnetism through electricity
Making magnets through electricity
Designing an experiment to test the strength of an electromagnet
Testing an electromagnet
Showing others what you have learned
Making a motor
Building a spinning coil motor
What is inside an electric motor?
How does a motor work?
Generating electricity

[Discovery deck:]
Welcome to the discovery deck
Using the discovery deck cards

[Discovery deck cards:]
Lodestone, magnets, and more
Finding magnetic fields
Making magnets: May the force stay with you
Magnetic boats
Making a cassette tape
Read it in the rocks
Navigation today
Sea turtles in bathing suits
Amanda remembers electric circuits
Make your own telegraph
Relaying the message
Two sides of the same coin
Electromagnets make it happen
The recycling center
1492: Columbus sails the ocean blue
Magnet trick
Searching for treasures, and other stuff
MRI: Seeing what X-rays can't see
The war of the currents
How vending machines deliver the goods
The case of the coiled wire
Car motors
The power grid
It's a spinning thing!
Make a loudspeaker
A shoelace in space