
Grade: K

Subjects: Clothing. Color. Dyes. Fabrics. Physical sciences. Science. Technology. Textiles.

This information is from the Eisenhower National Clearinghouse.

Abstract: The Full Option Science System (FOSS) series, designed for grades K to 6, consists of instructional modules organized under four topic headings: Life Science, Physical Science, Earth Science, and Scientific Reasoning and Technology. The instructional techniques including hands-on approach, multisensory methods, working alone together (grades K to 2), and collaborative groups (grades 3 to 6) are used to achieve scientific literacy for students and instructional efficiency for teachers. Each module includes a teacher's guide and equipment kits. In this module (grade K) students are introduced to properties of fabric, discover what happens when they are tested, and discover how they interact with other materials. In activity one, students investigate the properties of fabrics, how they are put together, and how they come apart. In activity two, students investigate what happens to fabrics when they interact with other materials, compare how different fabrics absorb water, get cloth dirty and investigate the best techniques to get it clean, and dye fabrics to change the color. Finally, they discuss the uses of the different fabrics and which kinds are better for which uses. The teacher's guide consists of a module overview, a set of activity folios, duplication masters for the student sheets, FACTs (FOSS Activity Correlation Tables), and equipment inventory lists. The activity folio is a concise booklet for each activity, which provides a lesson plan; background information; a materials list; preparation plans; discussion questions; mathematics, language, social studies, and art extensions; home activities; and suggestions for including a multicultural dimension in the lesson. The equipment kit contains materials for a class of 32 students. The duplication masters for the student sheets are written in both English and Spanish. English and Spanish versions of videotapes and videodisks are available separately to supplement this module. (CCC)

Table of Contents
Britannica Science System Index and glossary
FOSS Fabrics module
FOSS introduction
Duplication masters
English and Spanish versions
Kit inventory lists