(Science, Mathematics, And Research Technology)

1610 Warwood Avenue Phone: (304) 277-2308

Wheeling, West Virginia 26003 FAX: (304) 277-3503

e-mail: strongro@wlsc.edu

WV Handle on science Science 1 and 2 hour Programs 3 Hour Programs

All mathematics presentations will be geared to specific grade levels and correlate to the WV Instructional Goals and Objectives, and Stanford Achievement Test Objectives for mathematics. Programs may be adapted for grade levels higher than those listed.

Mathematics topics:

Big Number - How big is a googol? How small is zero? Find out in this program.(3-8)

Dimensionality - Experience perception in 0,1,2,3 and 4 dimensions. Visualize geometric objects that we are incapable of building but can only imagine. (2-8)

Trig Made Simple - Don’t shy away from this topic-it’s actually easier than you think! This unique presentation renders trigonometry meaningful and approachable. A surprise twist at the end illuminates the world around you. (5-8)

Sealing the Universe - This program brings the microcosm and macrocosm together in a tangible way. Compare your size with the largest and smallest objects in the universe. (5-8)

Fractions for Everyday - Find out how fractions have fashioned our way of viewing nature. (3-8)

Percentages and Probability - The world is often uncertain. A measure of its uncertainty is investigated using simple mathematical tools. (5-8)

Why You Can’t Get There From Here - Zeno’s Paradox is explored in this Program. Ancient Greek philosophers had proven that motion was impossible. Investigate this paradox and the modern solutions they missed. (5-8)

Introduction to Useful, Home-based Computer Programming - Learn the fundamentals of computer programming in Apple II Basic. Create fun, educational programs using the Apple IIe. (3-8)

Mobius Band - Discover the unique properties of an object unlike any you haveever experienced. (2-8)

Measurement - Measure various everyday objects using both standard and non- standard units. Take a product of your efforts home! (K-8)

Bubble Mathematics - Experiment with soap bubbles and learn the basic mathematics that guide the interaction of bubbles. (K-8)

Platonic Solids - Investigate the long and interesting history and properties of these famous and important geometric solids. Make one of your own. (3-8)

Color Mathematics - Learn how colors of light mix by actively adding and subtracting color light. By using your own shadow, you can interact with light and create a personal rainbow. (K-8)