Kites...  bring yours to BrookeHillsPark on April 26th, 2008 and "go fly a kite"!!!

The third annual West Virginia Kite Festival will be held on April 26, 2008.  The West Virginia Kite Festival is free and open to the public.  The annual West Virginia Kite Festival is celebrated each year on the last Saturday in April from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at the Cardinal Shelter at Brooke Hills Park, located west of Wellsburg, WV on Alternate Route 27.  The first 100 children attending the West Virginia Kite Festival will receive a free kite with kite string to fly at the event and then take home to enjoy.  If you have a favorite kite of your own bring it along to help fill the skies over Brooke Hills Park with a rainbow of kites.  After a day of kite flying, an evening public StarWatch will start at 8:00 p.m. at the Cardinal Shelter to discover and share the wonders of the night sky.  Telescopes will be provided, if you have your own bring it along to the StarWatch.  The annual West Virginia Kite Festival is co-hosted by the Near Earth Object Foundation, Brooke Hills Park, ASTROLABE Astronomy Club, and West Liberty State College.     Phillipe Le Riche has put together pretty much all there is to say about fun and easy kites for kids...    A great collection of "classroom kites" easy and fun designs