
(Science, Mathematics, Art, Research, and Technology)

30 22nd Street

Wheeling, West Virginia 26003

Phone: (304) 23 DINOS (304)233-4667

Robert E. Strong, Director

Richard Pollack, Director of Energy Projects

Elizabeth A. Strong, Program Coordinator


K-8 Sample Mathematics Topics

The following topics can be geared to specific grade levels (K-8) and correlate to 21st Century WV Content Standards and Objectives.

Big Numbers - How big is a googol? How small is a zero? Find out in this program. (3-8)

Dimensionality - Experience perception in 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 dimensions. Visualize geometric objects that we are incapable of building but can only imagine. (4-8)

Mobius Band- Discover the unique properties of an object unlike any you have ever experienced. (4-8)

Measurement - Measure various everyday objects using both standard and non-standard units. Take a product of your efforts home! ((K-8)

Bubble Mathematics - Experiment with soap bubbles and learn the basic mathematic that guides the interaction of bubbles. (K-8)

Color Mathematics - Learn how colors of light mix by actively adding and subtracting colored light. By using your own shadow, you can interact with light and create a personal rainbow. (K-8)

Prices and scheduling:

Programs other than the sample topics can be designed for your class or group.

On site programs can be held at SMART Centre Market, 30 22nd Street, Wheeling on Mondays or mornings by appointment. The store can accommodate up to two classes of twenty-five students each. Cost is $3.00 per student for a one-hour program, $5.00 per student for a two hour program, and $7.00 per student for a three or more hour program.

Off site prices are $300.00 per day for one presenter. Two presenters for one-day workshop is $400.00 and three presenters for a one-day workshop is $500.00. Please contact us at at least two weeks prior to the requested date of your program.